BREAKING: Half of the House Dems suck off Repugs. Again.
BREAKING: Half of House Dems suck off Repugs. Again. BREAKING: Half of House Dems suck off Repugs. Again. BREAKING: Half of House Dems suck off Repugs. Again. BREAKING: Half of House Dems suck off...
View ArticleVote Hussein!
So, who are you going to vote for? McSame McCain? No, no, don't vote insane! Vote for the one who IS sane. Yes, for the one who's sane! Vote Hussein! Vote Obama (comma) Barack Hussein! Vote Obama...
View ArticleThis time it IS morning in America.
But there's a cloud over our nation as the sun comes up again. And unfortunately, that sun will never shine quite the same again for the parent who has lost a child in Iraq; for the child who has lost...
View ArticleThe Fencepostless-osphere? No!
Some of the temper-tantrum-less among us sometimes misunderstand Kos and also sometimes misunderstand this site. This site, more than anything else, is a fencepost. A fencepost where like-minded...
View ArticleA Message to the new Congress
A message to America's Congress, via Billy Bragg's message to the United Kingdom's parliament, circa the mid 1980s.Ideology-Billy BraggWhen one voice rules the nation Just because they're top of the...
View ArticleGoodbye, Mr. Bush
I saw him on TV getting into that helicopter at the departure ceremony today. You'd think that with all the horrible things he's done in America and around the world that he'd have a more dramatic way...
View ArticleThe truth will out, President Obama.
The truth will out, President Obama. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water. Because sometime after you do that the chickens will come home to roost. And the truth will out. You'll be left...
View ArticleIs Obama an idiot or a liar?
Quoting the President from his statement today, speaking about those who were involved in the pictures that have been under discussion:"The indivuduals who are involved have been identified and...
View ArticleI just want people to understand they let it happen.
I just want people to understand they let it happen. I just want people to understand they let it happen. I just want people to understand they let it happen. I just want people to understand they let...
View ArticleTurkies vs. Doggies. Help Me Solve This, Please!
Did Turkana create an act of almost DailyKosular treason by suggesting that a blackwaterdog diary was a piece of reprehensible and disgusting garbage because it suggested that Democratic voters might...
View ArticleOh dear, President Cheney!
Presidential power is under attack! What the hell is a president to do when the fucking liberal judiciary won't let him exercise his God-given prerogatives of executive power? Especially when it has to...
View ArticleThe voices of the people are falling on deaf ears.
From the Eighties...the more things change...Wait, did someone say change? That we can believe in?I ain't seeing it.That's all I've got right now.Except the "below the fold":
View ArticleThere is Power in a Union
Freedom fighters have always used music and poetry as inspiration. So, without further ado... THERE IS POWER IN A UNION - Billy Bragg There is power in a factory, power in the land Power in the hands...
View ArticleCritter Crappin' CryDay!
We critters are crappers! So don't gimme no lip! Don'tchya just loves me when I'm poopin'?Ain't Ize so cyoot when Ize dumpin' a load?My mommy gonna be so mad at me!
View ArticleInspiring!
From Billy Bragg's website: many ideas, all new lyrics to this great tune....check out the OWS reference near the end!WAITING FOR THE GREAT LEAP FORWARDS 2011 VERSION -...
View ArticleRestupidlicans.
Restupidlicans can't hide who they are. Mitt Romney? Your life is calling.Repholierthanthouicans can't hide who they are. Rick Santorum? Your life is calling.Rassholicans can't hide who they...
View ArticleBridgegate: What evidence political payback?
You have read or heard it a million times already: Chris Christie's people caused a humongous, four-day traffic jam in Fort Lee, New Jersey, as payback against the mayor of that town because he refused...
View Articlethe lonesome death of hattie carrol the courtroom of honor, the judge pounded his gavel To show that all's equal and that the courts are on the level And that the strings in the books ain't pulled and...
View ArticleDK5: Where's my Orange Group Hug?!?
My Orange Group Hug, you ask? Yes, My Orange Group Hug! You Orange Smoke Sea Urchin Roe orange naughty bits. Look...whatever you call it — and people have called it a...
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