My Orange Group Hug, you ask? Yes, My Orange Group Hug! You Orange Smoke Sea Urchin Roe orange naughty bits. Look...whatever you call it — and people have called it a lot of things over the years:
Fleur-de-Kos orange squiggle orange squiggle orange squiggly equator line orange thingy divider doodle sienna squiggle Orange Cheeto of Doom orange squibbledegibbet orange LS monogram tangerine tangle tangerine tumbleweed colorful thingie orange bear trap orange thingamabob Amazing Orange Squiggle tanglefoot orange diddly-do orange Heavenly Cloud orange crack brillo curlicue orange bore brush orange wormhole orange thing little orange thingie Great Orange Croissant magical orange embroidery squiggly squiggly thingy orange hairpiece orange intercooler flying pie trails croissant proton proton collision Orange Smoke Cloud Orange Omnilepticon tangled garden hose orange pie pan perfectly coiffed orange combover tangled strings of connectivity Great Orange Colophon orange wave Chee-to copulating treble clefs orange Democratic slate card orange target Orange Font Orange Urum and Thummim Squiggly Powderhorn of Fate orange wrought iron sign of eternal damnation pumpkin orange circle Orange Group Hug noodle orange curl Great Orange Emblem of Erudition Orange Squiggle of Enlightenment orange squiggle of intergalactic righteousness and truth orange speed bump orange bowl of spaghetti orange memorial orange wisp of hope orange naughty bits puff of orange smoke orange spirograph Sea Urchin Roe Squiggle Orange Entwined Js
— whatever you call it or have called it...I want it back!
Put. The. Orange. Screwy. Thingy. Back!