New York Times: Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump...
“American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials...
View ArticleCBS Confirms Trump Brought His Own Studio Audience To Clap For Him At CIA Speech
Oh, but that isn’t what Liar Spicer said at today’s press briefing. Spicer said that they only brought 5-10 people but the CBS article says there were at least 40.Article herePoliticusUSA's take here
View ArticleMinutes to Midnight
Let’s rock...while we still have a chance.Minutes to Midnight x YouTube Video Everybody say god is a good man Ah, clock on the world Driving a dump truck up to the sun A sigh in the human heart I look...
View ArticleCould Massive Russian Oil Deal w/ Exxon Explain Why Putin Meddled in US...
Putin had a specific reason for getting involved in the election, it was not simply to cause some sort of random undermining of American democracy. Could this be the explanation?Following up on the...
View ArticleFriday news: Comey meets secretly with bi-partisan group of senators
Something rotten’s revealed???Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, along with ex-officio member and Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, huddled for a total of more than two hours on Friday...
View ArticleAnother Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria[???]
Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in SyriaArticle by Robert Parry here.Why are we believing the Trump administration on this Syria gas incident?Even as basic facts were still being assembled about...
View ArticleDon't take down the Jefferson monument.
Just put a statue of Sally Hemmings right next to ole Tom.
View ArticleTesting...test, one-two. Test. Testing, one-two-three....test.
Hillary Clinton wears combat boots.Test, one-two. Test.Bernie Sanders ate my Snickers.Test, one-two. Test.Tad Devine and Jeff Weaver enjoy good-night kisses.Testing!With other people.Test, one, two,...
View ArticleBernie Sanders is crashing the gates.
Don’t you get it yet, Kos(sacks)? Bernie Sanders is crashing the gates.
View ArticleHillary Clinton loses Rob Urie
From:Hillary Clinton and the End of the Democratic PartyMake of it what you will.As Bill Clinton, whose policies Mr. Koch preferred to those of George W. Bush, and Barack Obama have demonstrated— it is...
View ArticleClinton, Mook: A. MSNBC: D-.
I thought the statements tonight from Clinton and Mook, where they held off on fully buying into the ‘presumptive nominee’ blitz, were very even handed and respectful both of the entire primary process...
View ArticlePoll: What should Sanders say now about the nomination?
What should Sanders say now about the nomination?a) “Congratulations on your victory in this primary, Secretary Clinton”.b) “I have lost the nomination to you, Secretary Clinton. Congratulations”.c)...
View ArticleNew York Times: Intercepted Russian Communications Part of Inquiry Into Trump...
“American law enforcement and intelligence agencies are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad investigation into possible links between Russian officials...
View ArticleCBS Confirms Trump Brought His Own Studio Audience To Clap For Him At CIA Speech
Oh, but that isn’t what Liar Spicer said at today’s press briefing. Spicer said that they only brought 5-10 people but the CBS article says there were at least 40.Article herePoliticusUSA's take here
View ArticleMinutes to Midnight
Let’s rock...while we still have a chance.Minutes to MidnightYouTube Video Everybody say god is a good man Ah, clock on the world Driving a dump truck up to the sun A sigh in the human heartI look at...
View ArticleCould Massive Russian Oil Deal w/ Exxon Explain Why Putin Meddled in US...
Putin had a specific reason for getting involved in the election, it was not simply to cause some sort of random undermining of American democracy. Could this be the explanation?Following up on the...
View ArticleFriday news: Comey meets secretly with bi-partisan group of senators
Something rotten’s revealed???Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, along with ex-officio member and Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer, huddled for a total of more than two hours on Friday...
View ArticleAnother Dangerous Rush to Judgment in Syria[???]
Another Dangerous Rush to Judgment in SyriaArticle by Robert Parry here.Why are we believing the Trump administration on this Syria gas incident?Even as basic facts were still being assembled about...
View ArticleDon't take down the Jefferson monument.
Just put a statue of Sally Hemmings right next to ole Tom.
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