“It has the potential to personalize it” — Lloyd Blankfein
In this one line he has given the game away. For all the evil that the Banksters do it’s never “personal”.
Foreclose on your home illegally and kick you out on the street? Just business.
Sell a bunch of worthless derivatives that they were actively betting against? What we were supposed to do, help our customers?
Bankrupt a company and then raid the pension fund leaving the retires with no money? It’s not like I knew them.
To them it never is personal because we are no longer persons to them. It’s not like they mingle with us regular folk on a day to day basis. The ultra-rich move in their own world that we can only glimpse from afar. We have become nothing more than a profit and lose statement. Their profit. Our loss.
This attitude can best be summed up by Eli Wallach’s character Calvera in the 1960’s movie “The Magnificent Seven”
If God did not want them sheared he would not have made them sheep.
Most of us would consider Calvera to be the villain of the movie. To the Banksters he really just a misunderstood entrepreneur performing a leveraged buyout on a poor Mexican village that was suffering from severe market undercapitalization. Don’t they understand he was doing them a favor.
Link to that clip from the movie.
This is the problem that confronts us, both here in America and across the world. The Bottom needs to address this head-on and with all the force that can be mustered because the Top isn’t going to help. Not everything these days needs to be about the 2016 Presidential election but I know who I am supporting.